Penn State SELF:

Student Engagement, Learning and Flourishing


Penn State Project SELF is an initiative directly responsive to Penn State’s strategic plan priority of Enhancing Health and aligns with the goals of the newly established Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse (CCSA). This research is being done to help understand the biobehavioral underpinnings of student substance use and behavior which will not only provide research with a wealth of information, but will in turn inform administration on opportunities to improve programs to support student well-being.


First, undergraduates will be invited to participate via email in an online baseline survey. Following the survey, participants will download a secure application to their phone which will generate reminders for 21 continuous days of brief daily questionnaires that participants will answer based on what they did and how they felt on the day before. The app also allows for collection of non-specific phone usage to compliment the daily diary questionnaire. Participants will also have the opportunity to be a part of follow up studies that may include saliva collection.


As part of Penn State’s strategic initiative, one of study goals is to be the basis for engaged learning experiences for students working with affiliated faculty to study the biobehavioral underpinnings of substance use. In addition to the strategic initiative grant through Penn State, The Social Science Research Institute, The Huck Institutes of Life Sciences and The Prevention Research Center at Penn State have provided funding and resources to create a dynamic interdisciplinary research resource to investigate the many facets of substance use. The core collaborators on the study include a research advisory board of faculty that span multiple disciplines across the University.


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